Milutin Milenković
Milutin Milenković is a research scholar in the Novel Data Ecosystems for Sustainability research group, the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria, and an associated researcher in the Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing lab at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. His current research focuses on combining earth observation and citizen science for monitoring forest growth on the global scale. Milenković holds a PhD (with distinction) in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing from Vienna University of Technology, Austria, and a Dipl.-Ing. degree in Geodesy from the University of Belgrade, Serbia. He completed his postdoctoral research at Wageningen University, The Netherlands, working on big earth observation data for monitoring tropical forest disturbance and recovery. His PhD research focused on describing natural surfaces and 3D modeling using laser scanning and photogrammetric techniques and data.
Monitoring Amazon Rainforest Recovery Capacity with terabytes of RADAR satellite images processed on EOSC infrastructures
An increase in the disturbance of tropical forests, mainly caused by human-driven deforestation, drouths, and forest fires, has been constantly reported over the last decades. Those stressors are pushing tropical ecosystems to their limits, and it is urgently necessary to understand their recovery capacity. The RETURN use case analyses a time series of satellite radar (Sentinel-1) images to detect the magnitude and recovery time of the signal disturbance over the Amazon basin. Those terabytes of data coming from one C-SCALE data provider are processed on the infrastructure from another C-SCALE partner responsible for onboarding a user-defined processing code, which is an interesting challenge for ensuring the interoperability of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) infrastructures and earth observation data.
E-mail address: milenkovic@iiasa.ac.at